⎯ "I decided to pursue my career as an online writer," — J told me.
⎯ Nice! Do you have a strategy?
J: Nah, I will start writing consistently and see where it leads me. Plus, I'm following some top writers on YouTube and LinkedIn, and I think I can do this!
Me: ⎯Knowing that's a recipe for disaster— Please, let me help you. Consistency without a plan never works.
J: Don't worry, I just want to explore. My wife is going to kill me for quitting my job, but I know I can do this.
6 months later...
Me: Hey, J! How are you doing? How is the writing going?
J: Honestly? Not good. The algorithm hates me, but I keep trying. I bought 2 courses, and I think I'm into something...
Me: You're risking too much, J. Let me help you.
J: Don't worry. My wife wasn't happy because I used the credit card, but I know it will work this time. I wish I had bought them before!
6 months later...
Me: Hi J! I haven't seen you very active on the platform lately. Are you okay?
J: I'm looking for a job. I did my best; I tried everything, but it was impossible. I've been on and off of the platform for the last month. I hate this so much that I was going to close my account. I decided to keep it open, but I'll post a maximum of twice a week.
Me: Why don't you let me help you? You could make your first client with me in less than a month.
J: To be honest, I can't afford anything now. I'm broke, I need a job, and I hate social media now. My wife wants to divorce, and my kids are ashamed of me. I'm in a really dark place. You don't know how much I regret this.
This is a true story that happened not long ago, but I've seen it happen too many times.
Consistency without a strategy is a waste of time
and a ticket to burnout city
I never told J, but I care for him, so I checked his profile now and then and felt sorry because I knew his strategy and offer couldn't win him a client. It was a big no.
But you can't force the help on anybody. It's their choice.
Unfortunately, J is not the only story I've known. It keeps happening. I've worked with many "J" since I started working online.
Imagine if he had asked for help at the beginning.
In a month, he would have his online business up and running and a first client; in another month, more clients and a consistent personal brand and content creation strategy. He would get his money back in less than 3 months.
Instead, he wasted 1 year, spent money on impersonal courses, lost his savings, and maybe his family. All seasoned with anxiety, feelings of frustration, and his self-esteem falling down the drain.
What a loss. I feel for him.
It could have gone differently, but he was playing a lottery: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Hiring a professional and following a lead guarantees success.
That's the difference.
Many professionals expect to get clients, but they are horrible clients themselves. If you're not willing to invest money in yourself, why should others?
I can help you write a very different story.
Did this post make you think? Did you relate? Tell me about it on LinkedIn or write to me. I would love to hear from you
Carmen Ballesteros Castillo
Your First Online Clients... of many
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